
Being a volunteer with DSSG

Whether you’re a great data scientist, or a great organiser, your contribution makes a difference. Volunteer either directly at DSSG or at our NGO-focused events that we organize in Berlin: Data Science Speed Dating, Impact Mapping Workshops, Office Hours and Datathons. Check our blog https://blog.dssg-berlin.org/ for more information about past events, projects and NGOs we’ve worked with.

Become a volunteer

Please send an email to volunteer@dssg-berlin.org and tell us a little bit about yourself. Let us know as well if you wish to be added to our volunteer list.

How it works

Once subscribed to the volunteer list, you will receive regularly our project pitches and other opportunities for supporting us. Those messages will have more information about the project with the NGO, and the skills required from the volunteers. Whenever you find a matching project/event, you can apply by telling us more about yourself and your skills. Out of the replies we recruit the best suited volunteers.

Meet us

Once a month we meet at a bar close to Impact Hub Berlin after our team meeting. This is the perfect opportunity to hang out with us and learn more about DSSG Berlin in person in a casual atmosphere. Join our community on Slack to get more information about the date/time.